Tuesday 8 October 2013

Meat, meat, meat

My dad was right about the breakfast in Germany. Ham, cheese, bread, sandwich. Wasai, this is too much for me. This is awesome! I was so full that morning, and I was afraid I couldn't eat lunch anymore.

My dad had this free admission ticket from his hiking friend to the furniture exhibition in Koln, and that was why we couldn't get a room in Koln. Germany is now living based on the exhibitions whether in Frankfurt, Berlin, Koln, or Dusseldorf, he said. We got to Koln first, then change for the Koln Meusee.

We met Mr. Jacob, a furniture dealer from Indonesia, thanked him for the free tickets, and then we had a tour by ourselves around the exhibition. My dad liked a garden chair made of bamboo, and he kept asking if he could get a cheaper deal for it. We ate with Mr. Jacob for lunch, which was wurst or this big sausage with bread and mustard sauce.

After lunch, me and my dad continued our little tour, and because it was the last day of the exhibition, many people were packing already, and some of the furniture are for sale. Maybe my dad were crazy, but he bought this flipped children hiking chair for like €5 lol. He wanted to buy a bigger chair but fortunately I managed to stop him. Anyway we get back at Mr. Jacob booth, but there were people smoking everywhere, I wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.

Mr. Jacob's translator introduced us to this amazing pig-knuckle restaurant near the dome at Koln. But first we had some window-shopping first and my crazy dad bought 3 Germany-made knives and also a pressure pot for my mom. If my dad collects knives, then I have this thing for chocolates. I already have British, French chocolates, now it is time for some German and maybe also some Swiss chocolate yuhuu. I got my hand on this 88% dark chocolate, my friend Angela will love this.

The restaurant was 'booked' for the evening, and we had to eat outside. Of course we ordered pig knuckles and this caramel malts beer. I love it! It is a non-alcoholic beer, which is safe for me to drink, and taste sweet unlike the real beer. Later I know that this beer is also called children beer. Well I maybe look like an adult, but I still am a cute innocent little child inside. *Please throw up in the bin please, mercy for your keyboard or notebook Muahahaaaa.

The pig knuckle was so freaking huge, and very tasty. There wasn't a lot of fat, and the skin was crunchy. Probably the best meal ever during this journey, minus the cold weather and the bad service from the Chinese waiter. BTW we peeked a little after we eat, and we found out the restaurant was actually empty. Damn you, waiter.

It was freaking cold that day, cloudy and windy. And I was frozen to the bone. So my dad bought me a nice owl-printed sweater, which is cute and warm.

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