Tuesday 8 October 2013

12 hours flight....

I am here now in Hong Kong, waiting for my dad to retrieve his sample in 羅湖 Lo Hu, and suddenly this Indian or Arabian man, err... possibly Arabian, talking in his phone, and noticed me. He then came up to me and ask, "Can you speak English?" I said yes, but I explained that I don't live here. Then he gave me his phone and said that it was his wife and asked me to talk to her. I thought she would be speaking English, but then she blurted out speaking in Cantonese. I tried to speak to her in Chinese, and she then asked me to guide this Arabian man to 上水廣場 Shang Shui Guang Chang, or Landmark Now, just the opposite building from 上水 Shang Shui Railway Station. I did as she say, just because I have gone there before like 5 minutes ago.

I wonder why he came up to me. Do I look like a non-Asian foreigner to him? How does he know that I can speak English? Does my face have this 'HEY I CAN SPEAK ENGLISH' written on my face? Hahahaha. Well glad to help, my dear Arabian man, sir.

Then still waiting, I talked to this security grandma, and although she speaks very weird Chinese, luckily she understands. Though I personally think that I feel a bit disturbed when they speak Cantonese, but they are all basically good person. And I observed her a little while, when some people want to ask her directions, she invites them aside. This station is so crowded, there are people everywhere, and I think she is very professional for not letting them block the way.

Our flight for London is in 11 pm, so we decided to call K to airport to have dinner together.

The good thing about travelling with my dad is: you get to enjoy all the high-class services provided from Cathay Pacific. Remembering that my dad is already a Diamond class Marcopolo member, he gets all the exclusive service, that we, the green card member don't get. Sometimes I get jealous though, when will I get all these??????

We get to enjoy a first-class dinner in the lounge, including some steak and cheese (yes, I love cheese so much I could die), and if you went to Cathay Pacific Lounge, whether it's in business class lounge or first class, you have to try this 擔擔麵 Dan Dan Noodle. It's a boiled noodle with peanut and sesame sauce seasoning, which is a must-eat for me during my every transit in Hong Kong. Plus we can take a shower in the showering room, a neat and clean space to take a shower, and sometimes if you're lucky, you get to shower in the big room, which is fabulous.

We waited till 11 pm, in Hong Kong time, and we boarded the plane to Heathrow. This is my first time to fly this huge plane, which has two stories. But that flight was very crowded, even the coach. Now I realize why for long distance flight, people tend to choose the class beside the coach.

It was a very uncomfortable flight, but I got to sleep immediately after the plane flew, and woke up 7 hours later. Still 4 or 5 hours to go ARGH. I watched a Monster University and Monster Inc. movie marathon, oh and also Hangover 3. The TV is not like a usual one in Hong Kong - Jakarta ones, with a touch screen, and feels like an Ipad. Thank you so much technology, I started to wonder what would we do if we don't have some entertainment for a 12 hours flight.

31 Aug 2013

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