Tuesday 8 October 2013


Third day in Germany, my dad wanted to go the footwear exhibition in Dusseldorf. So we checked out, and asked the receptionist if we can leave the baggage for several hours. Her attitude wasn't very friendly, saying that there was no space left, but my dad kept urging, and finally she let us. My dad was gonna write that down on the review in Booking.com. Probably.

We used the Ustadtbahn to the messe, and it wasn't crowded at all, despite it was the first day the messe was opened. He didn't get a free ticket so we had to pay €25 for the entrance.

He visited some booths, and found some good business there. We ate lunch at the cafeteria, but, well the waiter's attitude was also, how can I put this, not very welcoming. I still think that there are still some racism going on here in Europe, whether you're in France or Germany or UK, they are all the same. And I was very disappointed to be honest. For us Asian, we worship and try to make the Causcasian feel welcome. But.. ah I don't want to talk about this.

Anyway, we spent a few hours later for business, then we were off to Dusseldorf to pick up our baggage and head for Koln. We booked this Crystall Hotel which is said located near the Station. My dad told me to wait there till he find the hotel, but it was like 30 minutes or so, he still didn't show up. Later he couldn't find the hotel so we took the taxi instead.

The hotel is in the BACK of the station, and is like 5 minutes walk from there. The room is beautiful and clean, and we asked the receptionist if she can tell us any good steak house near Koln.

We made our way to the dome, and trying to find that bloody steak house. While we walk, I wanted to window-shopped more as it was my last day in Europe. But my dad, like always, doesn't like to wait, so he became a bit impatience. I told him the shops will be closed in like 7.30 pm, so can I shop now? He didn't say anything, just kept walking. Alrighty then....

We found the steak house, and though the old waitress can't speak english, she tried to explain the menu. I ordered this steak and children beer, again. hahaha. My dad asked for a lamb roast, and also the same beer. Tasted pretty delicious, and I really really love the beer.

After the satisfying dinner, we walked to the hotel, and I wore an "I told you so" face, 'cos all the shops were closing down already. Hahaha.

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