Tuesday 8 October 2013

Chateau La Dauphine + Cafe de la Plage

Chateau La Dauphine in Fronsac

We were greeted with tea, coffee, and petite cakes. Personally I think French tea has a very unique flavour. It's more like a balsamic taste, and unfortunately not a big fan of it.

The chateau itself is divine. Built in. We stayed in the new room, in a building next to the main chateau. The new one is very minimalistic really, but the others are very renaissance style.

After a quick shower, the manager of La Dauphine showed us around the vineyards and inside the Chateau. The process of wine making is extremely complicated, so I won't be explaining that here lol.

Using a bus, we went to Arcachon  It's a very long journey really, like one and a half or maybe two hours. A it's a beach, very windy and I almost instantly regret that I was wearing a tank top and a snood. At this
Café de la Plage my dad's friends all said that the seafood are very tasty. The manager and the stewardess are very skinny and beautiful. In London there a a lot of overweight and fat people. But in France, I see many skinny girls, just like models. Is it because the food?

About the oyster, I usually eat only one or two, but here, the oysters and the other seafood are extremely fresh. The oysters are actually an appetizer, but I ate so many I felt so full already.

Eating a dinner in France usually consist of appetizer, bread, main course, dessert, and of course, wine. Now I know why they say in France it's always a slow-eating-dinner. They ordered this white wine, and they kept drinking and drinking till like 5 bottles of the same wine. In Asia when we are drinking like beer or sake or just ordinary alcohol, we like to say 幹杯 (gan bei) and we all have to drink it all. Yah, well, as you can guess, we exactly did the same thing. The french must be thinking these guys are sick.

I shared the main course and the dessert with the other girl, and we ordered grilled steak and this chocolate ice cream. Too bad she doesn't like it raw so she ordered well done, and the steak is so freaking hard. But my dad ordered duck breast and they are amazing, except the fat of course. BTW if you're ordering it, ask for well done, because if it's medium, it's very hard to cut and so bloody.

Anyway we finished eating (finally) at 11pm, and all of us instantly fell asleep on the bus.

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