Tuesday 8 October 2013

One flight stand

It feels so weird when the one that sit next to you in the boarding gate, just happen to sit right next to you in the plane.

One time when I was waiting for the delayed flight, I sat next to a girl with Jilbab wrapped around her head. As our eyes met, we smiled involuntarily to each other and then continued to read our books.

As our flight was ready to board, I found her sat next to the seat which I had been assigned. We smiled again, and it felt like a nice coincidence. Then after the plane took off, I braced myself and start up a conversation with her, and we clicked. I didn't ask her name, but I had a nice time chatting with her. Of course we had to stop as we separated after our luggage were claimed, but, ah... It was a pleasant flight, thanks to her.

Shall we call this a one-flight-stand? By quoting Giordano, a world without strangers is true indeed.

Aug 29th 2013

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