Tuesday 8 October 2013

London night view

So this was our schedule: We depart from Manchester, riding the Virgin Train to London Euston, take the tube to Victoria, buy our ticket to Gatwick Airport for the next day, and capture the nightview of Big Ben, London Eye, and near the Thames.

Our stay in London, in a small hotel named Vegas Hotel, yes again it is a hotel near the station. But it wasn't pleasant, worse than the first hotel that we stayed in Victoria. Yah at least we have a place to stay for the night.

For lunch we had a Cyprus Kebab which was huge, loads of meat and just prodigious. However, dinner wasn't that good. We decided to find restaurant near the Thames. This Japanese Canteen called Ajizen, we ordered miso ramen with 叉燒 Chasiu, but I don't know why, the meal smelled like someone had taken a piss in it. My dad said, every dish that has pork in it has that smell, so it is normal. But I couldn't take it, at least the tea is original Japanese tea, and can be refilled.

The night view in Westminster is breathtaking. I think they need several improvements though, if they wanna attract more tourist after the sun set down. Colorful light to decorate the reflection on the water, just like in Hong Kong Harbor, so it's not just white and yellow light only. The House of Parliament needs more light, the clock tower is okay, and I got some nice photos on it (well for amateur like me hahhhahaa)

I guess I need a new lens. I want a wide-angle one, like 10 mm ones, but it's so pricey. Maybe I have to work a lot when I get to school later.

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