Tuesday 8 October 2013

Louvre plus Germany

Earlier this morning, we ate the breakfast at the hotel, and I really like French breakfast. I think the croissant there has a very high standard, which is marvellous, plus the butter. Mmm.. So yummy. But my dad said the German breakfast is also mind-blowing. Well let's see then.

We still had like 3 or 4 hours, so I decided to go to Louvre. I had been wanting to go there since I read The Da Vinci Code. The Smiling Monalisa, can't wait to see you. So we took the Metro to Palais Royal Musee de Louvre, and what the? There were people queuing already for the entrance ticket. Plus the ticket is €12 for an adult. But it was better to buy the ticket first, or you have to queue outside, in the rain.

I told my father, the entrance to the Louvre is in the glass pyramid, but he didn't believe me, so we were like circling the palace looking for the entrance. Finally, he asked this police and he said to go to the pyramid, and lucky we bought the ticket, or we have to queue in the rain till our pants are soaking wet lol.

We went inside, and the Musee is huge. There are three wings in the museum: Denon, Sully, and Richelieu. I immediately went for the Denon wing, for of course, the Mona Lisa. To be honest, the inside of this big big museum, is like a big maze. People everywhere, taking pictures, listening to the 3DS and there are a lot of corridors, so I made sure that I wasn't separated from my dad. We saw Da Vinci's works in the corridor near the Mona Lisa room like: . I entered the crowded room where Mona Lisa resides, and I forced my way into the crowds, till I was right in front of Mona Lisa. I took several pictures, and... Gosh it took courage to even breathe. I could see the magnificent painting with my own eyes, the one that Da Vinci painted himself. I can see the difference on the background, which noted in the novel, and she, or he, well can look like both if you change your point of view.

My dad maybe had to wait a long time before I said goodbye to the painting. When he saw me backing out from the crowds, he was like, finally. Hahaha. We still had like an hour left, and I always have this fascination to the Egyptian's history, so we head back to Sully wing. Too bad we only have several hours to walk around Louvre. I just wished I had more time. Well maybe next time I'm gonna enjoy it till it is time to close down.

My dad said he was starving and wondered why I didn't feel the urge to eat. Maybe I was mesmerized by the Louvre I think? I could go all night long, baby. Hahaha. We ate lunch near Gare du Nord, and my dad always orders salad, everywhere. From UK to France, salad is his favorite meal. I ordered the steak, but I think the cook didn't understand the meaning of medium. I want a bloody steak, and they brought me this big and well-done steak. Well, better than nothing.

After lunch, we picked up our luggage and dragged our way to Gare du Nord.

So we were going to Koln this noon by using Thalys, a German-operated high speed train. We will take the train to Koln first, then change to Dusseldorf, where we are going to stay for the night.

We arrived in the station in Koln, and I just had this weird feeling where everything is in German. Well in Paris you still understand a bit of French, because the words are pretty similiar to English. But in German, phew, just give up. The only German I can speak is the opening lyric from Scheibe sung by Lady Gaga NYAHAHAHA. I didn't understand all of it, but it kinda felt good and new actually. Like in a whole new world. We were starving, so we ate at this Asian Restaurant. I ordered the Thai curry, but I didn't notice there were bamboo shoots in the dish. I hate bamboo shoots.

Later that evening, my dad bought an ICE ticket, but we board the wrong train. It should be just about 21 minutes, but we took the train which stops at every station lol. Finally we arrived in Dusseldorf, and took a taxi to the hotel. It was B&B Hotel near the Kettweiger Scheibe station from Ustaadbahn.

The hotel is nice actually. It is clean, roomy, and you have to input the password to enter the room, which is new for me. Why doors in Germany are all big and heavy? BTW the room rate doesn't include a breakfast, you have to pay like 7€50 if I'm correct.

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