Wednesday 7 May 2014


Sometimes, life gives you lemon. And this time, a sour one.

My last year in university, I thought I would be enjoying every second of this time with joy and happiness, never thought that I'd face this kind of torture. To fill in the empty schedule, I work part-time in a foreign labor company as a Mandarin to Indonesian or English translator with a friend. I loved this company: the workplace's atmosphere, the kindness of the manager and the employees (we usually call them big-sis, even the boss were kind to us and sometimes let us have a nice treat. The salary isn't much, we get hourly salary, but for return, we get many worthy life lessons, the way of communicate and persuade your clients, and even work-place ethics, I learned much. As a part-time student, I felt blessed to have the opportunity to work in this company. But then, everything changed.

The disaster started when the big boss decided to sell this beautiful haven to other manpower company. From the outside, nothing has changed. However, for us who's still working, we feel like we are all in the same hell. I remembered what the old manager said, "Maybe you can change the company name, the people, the manager, but what you cannot change, is how the people work."

Before the company name has changed, everything was in order. Everything was organized by the old manager, and nothing could went wrong. If it went wrong, the manager always had the way to solve it, mainly by simplify the matter. Ah, how I missed the old days. The new boss, an arrogant one, he comes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. How luckily, I work here on Wednesday and Friday, plus a peaceful Tuesday. Whenever he comes, he always nag on how we work on things, how dirty the office, and kept trying to change everything that disgust him. Every freaking time we encounter problem, he solves it not like every normal person would do, by simplify it, yet he multiply the work. We are fine by the way we work before you came by the way.

From the previous company, I learned a lot. Still, I learned much more after things has changed. I mastered the way to control my emotion, how to manage time with all these busy things that we translator has to do, how to speak up and defend your right, and ultimately, how you differ a manager and a leader. The high school that I entered in back in Indonesia has a theme, which is leadership. Furthermore, the old manager definitely a leader, and the other one, as you can guess, a manager. The number one picture that best describes the difference is, surprisingly, can found in 9gag. (See? Procrastinating is useful)

I really wished I can print this pic and stick it to his computer.

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