Friday 9 May 2014


Once I heard a quote about the key to happiness is to find joy in every thing that we do. At that time I still don't understand: how? How the hell you can find pleasure or silver lining in every thing?

From the previous blog, I have shared about my current part-time job as a translator for Indonesian labor that work in Taiwan. Yes, I'm having a hard time to find a reason to continue this job, beside I need those green bucks to keep living here till I return to Indonesia, since I tried not to take any money from my parents and work independently.

My job is to translate Mandarin to Bahasa Indonesia or English for the maids, sometimes in real conversation or on the phone. Sometimes it is hard to communicate with them, as I know what they are facing and how hard it is to be far far away from home. Not all their employer are good people, and it is not a big news for us if the maids chose to run away because their employers did not treat them well. We have to comfort them and talk sense as well, and to tell you the truth, it isn't as easy as you think it would be.

And... lately I have been enjoying to talk with them. I usually joke around to ease them up a little, plus I feel that surge of joy when they laugh at my jokes and whenever they smile, I feel a weird warmth embracing my heart. I guess that happiness is contagious, and I'm truly happy that I can help them through all their problems.



  1. Mbak puput pinjem duit dong

    1. sialan, buat hidup sndiri aj ga ad masi mo pinjemin lo cuiiihhhhh
