Wednesday 21 May 2014

7 things I have learned from my new boss

He's not in today, so I thought it would be great to share this to you guys.
My job as translator in a foreign worker office didn't go very well when the new boss stepped in. There were a "few" changes that he made to improve the "efficiency" in the office.

7. You can't replace a dust cloth with a handkerchief.
My genius boss came in one day and told us to use these dusters to wipe off the dust on everything. The main problem was, me and all the big-sis, realized that it wasn't a duster he was holding on. It was a handkerchief. His old and second-hand handkerchief, perhaps.
This is a dust cloth:

Not this:

6. Write a work diary
When was the last time I write a diary? Oh, elementary school. Yes, so my boss still thinks that we're still in elementary school and we have to write a diary. 9 a.m to 9.30 a.m. what am I doing? Oh, I'm writing yesterday's work diary. HA!

5. It is okay to be late
Beside the boss, me and the big-sis all come to office before 8.30 a.m. The boss? It's 9.46 a.m. now and he still isn't here. LOL. Talk about setting a good example.

4. Changing the work station won't give you efficiency.
He assigned a new desk for me, and told me to move it today. He didn't realize how many works I had to do that day, so I set aside all those works and did as he told. Thus, when he ask how's my work? "Ah, I thought you told me to move today so I moved? That's my work."
Ah, I realized something. Maybe that's his way to spy on my work, but I moved the unused PC and placed it right behind me so he can't spy my monitor. Thanks, I'm a genius.

3. We are janitors + salary man
Wanna bet? He can't do house works like sweeping, swabbing, cleaning the toilet, even throwing the trash. He always tell us to clean the office, what an OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) or clean freak. We feel comfortable as we are, and if you want a cleaner office, just clean it yourself, Sir? We're busy with all those work you set for us.

He treat us like we are freaking damn superman that can do all the work by ourselves, while he's sitting comfortably in his office. Plus, he once asked me how to count the workers' salary. I'm just a freaking translator not a calculator.

1. I'm the BOSS
I felt like hearing these somewhere else, from King Xerxes the God-king of Persia from 300, maybe? 

Yes, yes, yes. Bla-bla-bla. He thinks that everything has to be in order, just because he's the big man in the company. The truth to be told, he can do NOTHING.

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