Wednesday 15 January 2014


I just had my first stitches in my life, frankly it felt weird. Before I agreed, the doctor said that you can choose to treat the hole every day or get it cleaned and stitch it. I am a quite lazy person and I think to go to the hospital every day is so 面倒くせ mendokuse, which means troublesome in japanese, I chose to get it stitched. After treating both of my knees, he started to disinfect the wound on my elbow, damn why don't you give anesthetic first before you clean rather than after you clean ehhhh?
Anyway my hand felt numb and he started to clean the dirt. I asked him if he can chat with me while he is stitching, and he must be thinking, gosh this girl is freaking chatty hahaha. But by chatting I didn't feel the urge of curiousity to take a peek on his work, which he kept telling me not to peek. Cause it literally is a bloody hell. We talked about his leather shoes which are currently a must have item in France, and he told me to remove the stitches after I get back from UK.
After I got the ointment, I walked to the nearest bus stop, and I felt everybody was looking at me limping. Yet I felt I was a hero who survived a bloody and excruciating war hahaha. I was maybe 50 m from the bus stop when I saw the school bus slowly driving away, and I was just walking here, crying over my fate.

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