Tuesday 28 January 2014

Resentful or grateful?

Maybe you would think I am exaggerating, with just a few bruises and scratches, but now I feel helpless. I always have been a hyperactive girl and now I can't bend my legs and left arm, and I just want to shout DAMMIT! I am now typing with my healthy right hand, and sure I miss typing with my ten fingers, Jeremy said how come you can still type that fast? Never underestimate women for sure.
I am going to UK with my dad this Sunday, and I started to wonder whether I'm fit for the trip or not. I'm having difficulties in walking and since I have a hole in my left elbow, my right hand was forced to do all the labor. Yet my dad said he had already paid for the plane ticket and, I am now accepting the fact that I still have to accompany him. I am just worrying that if anyone travelling with my dad, he or she must as healthy as he is, walk as fast as he can, and ready to bring all your luggage anywhere, as we do most of our journey by foot. But I get to see David in Northampton, Neil in Manchester, and visit Newcastle and Edinburgh which are going nice for me.
Still, if I can rest a bit with an overflowing attention from everyone would be great. You may think I'm a spoiled brat, but to tell you the truth, even Superman deserve to take a holiday. I don't like to be treated as a patient, but I just feel homesick right now. I just wished I am at home right now with my mom pretending as a nurse, cause it really is suck to be alone in this agony.
However, I feel grateful that I still have my roomie who patiently wash my hair (totally) and help me treat my injuries, my dad who is still forcing me to enjoy my ticking UK visa, Jeremy who still there for me, listening to my boring stories and always be there to support me, despite he is now on his flight back to Indonesia. And just half an hour ago, I chatted with the bus driver, which cheered me up a lot, and I met my classmate, Wei Lin on my slow and painful walk toward the hospital and offered me to hop on her scooter and drive me. Ah, today was a beautiful day. And today finally I measured my height and weight, and drumroll please... 171.9 cm and 65 kg yaaaaayyyyy. I thought it would be 70 kg or something, cause I didn't work out, not a slightest.
I think John Gray, the author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, was right. Women needs to talk out loud about their problems and feelings, and she feel a lot better and start to appreciate the good things that she has in life.


  1. Can't imagine that hole in your left elbow, haha. Remind me of my long scar in the same place with that hole.

    U have good friends, n I think u have someone or maybe more, to be trusted. U're going forward together with them. Do not forget ur friends, no matter what. It's good to see u're doing well

    Get well soon

    1. Thanks a lot mate, your comment really made my day. I just got few stitches and my left arm is still numb hahaha.
      It's good to have those who are willing to help you and support you, despite the bad thing that happened.

    2. It's been a while. Back then, I was young and foolish. I've learn my lesson, thx to u. So we're even now :P

      Ngga isa mbayangin pooop tp kaki ga isa ditekuk :v wkwkwk

    3. It's not like I wanna stay anonymus forever but It's better this way. U just need to know me as anonymus :v
