Tuesday 28 January 2014

Shop, shop, shop

I woke up in a beautiful but still cloudy morning in the Luther King House, and preparing myself for the breakfast. The breakfast in the guest house was superb. You can choose from whole wheat and plain toast, plus ham and bacon, and you can accompany them with two variations of cheeses. I have noticed from previous posts that I freaking love cheese right? Every time I see cheese in lounge or hotel breakfast I immediately take a slice of any cheese. Parmesan, gouda, brie, camembert, even I dare to take a bite on blue cheese, which my dad won't even touch. Beside sandwich, you can try the croissant and the muffin. Man, the chocolate muffin is so delicious, probably the best I have tried ever in my life, literally. And also you can drink from the coffee vending machine there: espresso, cappuccino, latte, chocolate, chocolate milk, and many more. Best breakfast ever.
Best breakfast ever

Neil came after breakfast and they had this meeting in the dining room. After discussing for about an hour or more, we decided to go to Arndale shopping center. They wanted to see the latest style of Clarks, and I thought it would be a great idea if I could go shopping in Primark. And... there I was, flipping through the clothes, finding the size (I'm size 10... should I go on a diet? LOL). After collecting loads of clothes, I tried them on in the handicapped fitting room *whistling, and paid all of them within an hour. And when I went out, just in time they came back after buying a pair of Clarks beige wallabee, and Neil went home, left me and my dad to have a father daughter quality time.

Anyway, we walked around the shops and stopped by in Clarks, and he showed me the pair that he bought. it was £60 or more I forgot, so bloody expensive. And, at the same time, there was a clearance sale, up to 60% off, so... my hand twitched and I tried several leather boots and also this blue men desert boots: it was so extremely comfy! I absolutely adored them, but frankly we left the store with a pair of women boots :).
♥ Clarks

Next stop: second hand book store just around the corner. My dad knows the owner, Eddy, and brought him a pair of shoes made from our factory. You can tell how happy he was as he tried them on. My dad stumbled upon this store while he was leisurely walking near Arndale, and he was like he had found a treasure chest. Our family love books, we have books everywhere in our house: bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, living room, arbeitzimmer (working room? So weird to say that in English so I used Deutsch), literally everywhere. Why bathroom you asked? Yes I know it's weird, well we don't read while we are showering, but when we are using the toilet, well not we, I have this eerie habit of reading while using the toilet since I was a little kid. My mother's reading hobby influenced her children a lot, and we have like a small library within our house. 

Bought too many books...

Every time my dad visits Manchester he always pays Eddy a visit and picks up loads of cooking books or maybe novels, and even encyclopedias. Books there are sold in rock-bottom prices, like a pound for a novel, or maybe 50 pence for a book, but you have to be patient to find what you're looking for. Just like what he wrote on his store's wall, "...", damn I forgot the sayings, I'll update this after I look the photos in my Canon. Much much later, we ended up dragging three bags full of books. I found The Lord of The Ring series for Jeremy, and guess the price? £6! What a bargain! All three of 'em! And also Winnie the Pooh: Complete Stories for my junior, and Gordon Ramsay's Indian Cookbook for my little brother. And my dad also snapped out many cooking book for my mom, which she never used HAHAHA. 

Being a wounded person doesn't stop me from shopping, hell yeah that's the spirit hahaha.

Resentful or grateful?

Maybe you would think I am exaggerating, with just a few bruises and scratches, but now I feel helpless. I always have been a hyperactive girl and now I can't bend my legs and left arm, and I just want to shout DAMMIT! I am now typing with my healthy right hand, and sure I miss typing with my ten fingers, Jeremy said how come you can still type that fast? Never underestimate women for sure.
I am going to UK with my dad this Sunday, and I started to wonder whether I'm fit for the trip or not. I'm having difficulties in walking and since I have a hole in my left elbow, my right hand was forced to do all the labor. Yet my dad said he had already paid for the plane ticket and, I am now accepting the fact that I still have to accompany him. I am just worrying that if anyone travelling with my dad, he or she must as healthy as he is, walk as fast as he can, and ready to bring all your luggage anywhere, as we do most of our journey by foot. But I get to see David in Northampton, Neil in Manchester, and visit Newcastle and Edinburgh which are going nice for me.
Still, if I can rest a bit with an overflowing attention from everyone would be great. You may think I'm a spoiled brat, but to tell you the truth, even Superman deserve to take a holiday. I don't like to be treated as a patient, but I just feel homesick right now. I just wished I am at home right now with my mom pretending as a nurse, cause it really is suck to be alone in this agony.
However, I feel grateful that I still have my roomie who patiently wash my hair (totally) and help me treat my injuries, my dad who is still forcing me to enjoy my ticking UK visa, Jeremy who still there for me, listening to my boring stories and always be there to support me, despite he is now on his flight back to Indonesia. And just half an hour ago, I chatted with the bus driver, which cheered me up a lot, and I met my classmate, Wei Lin on my slow and painful walk toward the hospital and offered me to hop on her scooter and drive me. Ah, today was a beautiful day. And today finally I measured my height and weight, and drumroll please... 171.9 cm and 65 kg yaaaaayyyyy. I thought it would be 70 kg or something, cause I didn't work out, not a slightest.
I think John Gray, the author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, was right. Women needs to talk out loud about their problems and feelings, and she feel a lot better and start to appreciate the good things that she has in life.

Monday 27 January 2014

London, Northampton, Manchester in one day

My flight is delayed, now I'm stuck here and I still have two hours to kill. While checking in, I asked if there's any seat with extra leg room available. Unfortunately none available, so aisle seat it is. Then after I limped toward the departures, she called for me and the first row window seat had just opened up and ask me to wait there while she changed my boarding pass. And also she asked me whether I need wheelchair upon arrival in Hong Kong, I said yes considering the airport is so huge. Yay, success kid!

However, when I happily arrived at the cabin, my excitement immediately thrown out the window as there was a wall in front of my seat, and couldn't even let my legs straight. Extra leg room, my posterior. Luckily I sat alone and the seats beside me were empty.

I arrived in Hong Kong, found myself painfully walk down the plane stairs, and voila, my wheelchair was waiting. Another Dragon Air attendant came to me and she pushed me through some secret passage. Within the next 5 minutes, I arrived in in the immigration and handed over my passport, wait patiently, retrieved it with Hong Kong permit, and pushed into baggage claim area. What a nice service. Me and the attendant chat a lot while waiting the baggage arrive. Later I knew that she has a son who's studying in UK, prioritize English learning over Chinese, and she thinks passing grade with social skills is better than book worm who's ranked number one, but with no friends.

Later, after a venti cup of Starbuck's green tea latte, which I don't recommend, Taiwan's latte is more drinkable, I met with my dad and checked in for the flight to London. The plus side of travelling with me dad, is you can enjoy Cathay's first class lounge. After a quick shower and feeling a bit sleepy, we boarded the plane and let's enjoy the 12 hours flight. Considering my wounds, my dad sacrificed a few of his mileage (he has plenty anyway) to upgrade my seat to premium economy class, which is... well, same as coach but a little roomy. And I learned something, when you're in a long haul flight, choose your seat wisely, choose the aisle seat. Or your bladder will torment you.

Same old same old, I spent my 12 hours, by sleeping in the first seven or eight hours, and the rest watching Mike and Molly on the TV. We arrived in Heathrow Airport 5 in the morning, we encountered a bit problem about my UK visa. It expired in 22nd of January 2014, and my dad thought as long as we entered UK before 22nd, I can stay there for 6 months. Boy, he was so wrong. So we changed our schedule, and on 22nd we'd be flying back to Hong Kong. Too bad I didn't get to see Edinburgh, Durham, and Newcastle.

We took a shower in the arrival lounge (I showered in the handicapped shower room LOL), and arranged our ticket back to Hong Kong, but we could not refund the train tickets that we had bought online. Yah, at least we learned some experience this time: you can't extend your tourist visa, make sure your visa expiration date before you visit there, book your train and hotel online cause it's a lot cheaper, and there's no need to bring your camera if you won't use it.

Anyway, we took a taxi to Euston Station cause we had a train to catch at 10 a.m. Taxi was a bad choice, the traffic was bad at that time, and we were almost late, but we made it anyway. We even bought some salads from Mark & Spencer. My dad loves them. Plus he bought this almond nuts and ate in on the train, he said the taste was terrible, and I wore my 'I told you' face.

We arrived in Northampton and were picked up by David with his Audi. After two hours more of business meeting, we set up to the station again, boarded the train to Milton Keynes, and took the Virgin train to Manchester.

Rob and Johnny picked us up, and before we discuss about latest leather shoe styles, we ate at this Afghanistan restaurant. There's this street in Manchester where you can find all kinds of exotic food from India, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, even there's shisha bar! I love the Basmati rice! The texture is very soft and it has this buttery taste, which is superb. The lamb was so-so, though.

We stayed in Luther King House, which is my dad's favorite place to stay in Manchester, and I can see why. The place is so quiet and peaceful, and it has this small library near the reception.

Wednesday 15 January 2014


I just had my first stitches in my life, frankly it felt weird. Before I agreed, the doctor said that you can choose to treat the hole every day or get it cleaned and stitch it. I am a quite lazy person and I think to go to the hospital every day is so 面倒くせ mendokuse, which means troublesome in japanese, I chose to get it stitched. After treating both of my knees, he started to disinfect the wound on my elbow, damn why don't you give anesthetic first before you clean rather than after you clean ehhhh?
Anyway my hand felt numb and he started to clean the dirt. I asked him if he can chat with me while he is stitching, and he must be thinking, gosh this girl is freaking chatty hahaha. But by chatting I didn't feel the urge of curiousity to take a peek on his work, which he kept telling me not to peek. Cause it literally is a bloody hell. We talked about his leather shoes which are currently a must have item in France, and he told me to remove the stitches after I get back from UK.
After I got the ointment, I walked to the nearest bus stop, and I felt everybody was looking at me limping. Yet I felt I was a hero who survived a bloody and excruciating war hahaha. I was maybe 50 m from the bus stop when I saw the school bus slowly driving away, and I was just walking here, crying over my fate.

Tuesday 14 January 2014


I haven't posted the 16 km route I ran late December, but in the mean time, I can't run anymore, cause my knees have been very painful lately. I went to the traditional Chinese medicine doctor to have them checked, acupuncture, and also massage. The doctor told me I ran too much and told me to rest a bit.

Doesn't feel a thing

I thought like after a month later I can run again, but.. sigh. I had an accident yesterday. I was on my way back to school's dorm after having a tooth pulled out. And I don't know is it because of the anesthesia or what, I felt... no energy? I know I wasn't in my best situation so I chose to drive slower than usual. Well, even if you are being cautious enough, the other people may not as careful as you.

I was driving my scooter at maybe 30 or 40 km/h, 6 pm or so, when this pick-up wagon suddenly appeared from my left side and the next thing I knew, was that I was sliding on the road and rolled again and again like a meat sushi. I distinctly remember my right foot was slightly caught under my scooter but luckily didn't drag me under it. Man, the pain and agony. I don't easily cry, but at that time I was in pain, I just couldn't control my breath and tears just dropping. I was in shock, I still could move my feet, but I couldn't feel my left hand.

I tried to get up with my right hand, and these kind people asked me if I was okay or could I stand or something. Do I look okay, mates? I wanted to shout these words but I just couldn't find a moment between my breaths. So they called an ambulance, and the pick-up wagon's driver, he was trembling also and keep asking me while poking my feet. And with a little energy left I told him not to, and open my leather jacket's zip, and tried to call the first person that popped in my mind and definitely can help me. I felt very grateful that Taiwanese people are kind enough to stop their cars and asked me if I'm okay.

Then the ambulance came, and I realized that I had this big bruise on my left hand, and every time they touched the bruise I just scream uncontrollably. It was so painful okay?! They took me to the nearest hospital and sighed. Why? Why I have to visit this emergency room again? I went there two years ago, and it wasn't a pleasure. The staffs there most likely immune to the agonizing cries of the patient, and keep trying to ask you question in a very kind manner. Yeah, manner (sarcasm detected).

Nevertheless, they cut my lovely jeans, I went to X-ray, and had my bruises cleaned and treated. I was still crying and my breaths were still fast, I felt my hand trembling with fear and cold. They told me I have this hole in my elbow and I have to treat it carefully or it will scar. I felt thankful enough to be alive, really, despite all this bruises and this hole, my jeans were cut, I lost my scarf, my leather jacket torn apart, and I had to bring my scooter to have it repaired. And the most important of all, I still have my friends and my roommate who care about me. I had my hair washed by her (THANK GOD, THANK YOU ROOMIE LOVE YOU!) and helped me clean my wounds with alcohol which stinged a lot. I was laughing while tearing with pain hahahaha.

Plum blossoms

Did I mention the school I'm currently studying in has many beautiful features? We have this huge beautiful green meadow where you can lay down on the grass, just simply enjoy the warmth of sunshine? Or maybe many different kinds of flowers featured in every corner of the school every season? Yep, my school has been featured many times on the news, and has became one of tourist attraction near Sun Moon Lake, even the tourist bus has a stop here! So, welcome to our school, National Chi Nan University.

Near the scooter route, we have this line of plum trees, where on late winter and on early spring, we get to see these beautiful symbol of China Airlines. And on Sunday, I went hunting to capture the beauty of plum blossom and sun ray. Thank you my best friend sunshine for your cooperation that day. Love you :)

As you all know, I'm still an amateur photographer wanna-be, so excuse my bad images, I've done my best anyway. I literally sat down on the edge of the street for like two hours and tried to capture the sun flare. It was hard, yet I feel like I still have a lot of space for improvement.

Friday 3 January 2014

Lone wolf

Making Twilight (yes, I have read the novel, from Twilight to Breaking Dawn, and I despise those who make fun of the story without reading it.) and Hangover as references, I noticed the term wolfpack, whether literally or served only as a metaphor. A group of wolves that live, feed, hunt, and travel together as a family group. But there is one trait that marked my attention: lone wolf.

As a person who has a lone wolf trait, is an individual who prefers solitude and works alone, usually an introverted. However, a lone wolf in a wolf pack, usually means someone who spends enough time to be considered as a part of the group, but not close enough to the members.

I have never considered myself as an introvert, but after having a sudden realization by looking in the mirror of the past, I am a lone wolf. You see, I have this personal pattern: sometimes I can be seen in a group, but the other time, I can be a solitary person who likes to work alone. When I'm a part of a group, I can be very talkative and laugh a lot, usually the group's clown. I love to be a part of the wolfpack, but sometimes I feel like I need my own personal space, and that's when I started to do things alone, without the group. For instance: I eat alone, I Starbucks alone, I travel alone, I read a book alone (well enough said, who reads a book with a large group of people?) And at this specific time, I don't like to be bothered. Just like the first day of 2014, after a crazy night with the group, I felt like I was craving for some quality time alone. Exhausted, sleep-deprived, and hungry, I went to the Starbucks in Sun Moon Lake alone, ordered one green tea latte plus a cheese cake, and took out my Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, and started reading it. I stayed there for like two hours or so? When the sunlight was almost out, I packed my things, and went back to Puli and found myself sitting in a chair in a salon while the stylist massage my shoulders and neck. That day, I had my first good night sleep after a long time, and woke up next day feeling refreshed.

I am now completely certain I have this lone wolf trait. I don't belong to any group or wolfpack, yet I can blend well in them and for time to time I can creep quietly and left them for me and my shadow to be alone.