Tuesday 18 March 2014

A world without borders

Pause a bit on the US blogs... Another boring rant post without photos...

There are many ups and downs to be Indonesian. And what makes me envy a Taiwan or Malaysian passport holder? They can visit many countries without visa, as they are granted permission to stay for a month or maybe more. Yes, as an Indonesian I can visit any southeast Asia countries and Hong Kong, but Taiwan passport holder can visit Japan, South Korea, even US, which made them easier to travel for business or maybe holiday. I know the fact from a Malaysian friend, they even can visit any European countries with a visa on arrival, which made me so freaking jelly. But if I'm wrong, feel free to correct me :)

Anyway, as an Indonesian, the process of making European countries, UK, or US visa is a bit... well, complicated. Last year, I had been granted a six-month UK visa,  3 month Schengen visa, and for this year a 5 years US visa. I'm like a visa collector or something hahaha. The process of making these three visas, each of them is so different, and to be honest, sometimes really irritating. That is why, Taiwanese and Malaysian friends, I envy you.

Now, there's a Rotary summer camp in Denmark that I can attend this summer. And...  as you can guess, I need that bloody Schengen visa again. After an excruciating experience with the visa agency in Jakarta, I really hope I can make the visa in Taiwan, and it will be easier than in Jakarta, which really is quite impossible, seeing how difficult it was back then. *sigh.

I do hope my mom can get back her Taiwanese nationality real fast, so (finger crossed) I can get my Taiwanese passport... Once, I talked to my dad about making a Taiwanese passport, because I still have relatives from my mother's side in Taiwan, but he said why bother? By adding that Taiwan is not officially a country (yet, plus I really don't want to talk about politic here) he refused. Nevertheless, after all those fash making visas, now he really want one.

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