Thursday 31 July 2014

Two wheels diary: Zhuwei Port 竹圍漁港

The longest distance I have cycled so far is 41.94 km. Want a proof? Here, enjoy.

I'm still an amateur, hopefully I can get some guides and tips from the pros out there.

My friend Jeph showed me the photo he took while he was riding near the coastline. Well didn't go exactly where he has been, but cincai lah (same meaning as 隨便, whatever)

After some background research, I discovered this cycling trail near the Zhuwei Port (竹圍漁港). Departed at 4 pm, hoping I could catch up with the sunset, which was pretty late, around 6 pm or so. At first the route was the same as the route to the airport, but turned right and straight ahead to the trail.
A 'little' dead
The bridge
View from the bridge. Not the best view though.
Sun is shining bright
The deserted bike trail
Packed with people enjoying the summer breeze.
The silhouette of me waiting for sunset
Permitted myself to feel the sand
Nah kidding. I felt so stupid, didn't see the sand and keep riding into it, nearly fell from the bike. Lesson learned, always look where you're going. My shoes were full of sand I had to take them off. 

My favorite pic of the day. I waited for like 30 or 40 minutes for this. Took this pic with my Samsung Galaxy Note camera. Pretty, huh? Thank God for the clear sky, no clouds, just the beautiful sunset and sand dancing on the road. 

The sky was getting dark really quick, so I had to rush my way back home. I stopped by the nearest 7-11, and bought some chocolates and water. Truth to be told, I was hungry and exhausted hence I rest a bit.

Ready to hit the road back home, I consulted the GPS for the way home since I didn't want to ride the same road, thus I rode a longer route, very much different from the first one. And look what I discovered: a VIP viewing place to watch planes landing from the airport. See these crowds? They were all waiting for the landing, which was majestic. It was so close that you actually can feel the tail wind blowing on your face.

Bird Plane watching
That was my first 40 km and I have two thoughts in mind: my butt hurts a lot and my right hand was numb. I don't know exactly why. I ate a quick dinner, took quick shower, later, snoring on my bed. What a beautiful day. 

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