Wednesday 30 July 2014

Two wheels diary: TaoYuan THSR Station and TaoYuan International Airport

In case you don't know, I have bought a blue Giant Revel bike, which is pretty heavy for a girl. It's a mountain bike with a shock breaker, of course it's heavy, what did you expect?

Anyway, I'm starting to love cycling. I can go wherever I want to, yet sometimes I lost my way. The big differences between cycling and running: cycling doesn't burn much calories as running, but it can take you further. As a free spirit, I have gone to wherever the wheels can take me.

Taoyuan has many cycling tracks, but if you want a quiet place where no cars honking you around, you must find your own path, like those small road between the rice field and barn. Seriously, I hate those fast speed cars which drive close enough to shake your bike, plus the dust. Yikes. BTW, I usually ride at 4 pm, where the sun is no longer a death ray, and continuously till the night fall. The weather in Taoyuan is usually windy though, so make sure you have your wind-stopper jacket on.

Peaceful road

As an amateur, I started off on short distance route. For example: from Kainan University to THSR station. Round trip is about 15 to 16 km. I have put up the link here if you want to see the route. There's a Starbucks in the station you can enjoy while resting.

At first I couldn't go more than 20 km/s, and tire easily when hiking. Then I learned to change the bike's gear, lighter gear when hiking, and adjust the gear the strength of my feet. Soon enough, I find it easy and enjoying the journey. Later I challenged myself further with longer distance.

The post is a bit short and boring (just one photo is not enough :D) so I decided to add one more route: Taoyuan International Airport.

Once I tried to get there from THSR Taoyuan Station but I got lost, and I thought the only way to get into the airport is through the freeway. I was so wrong. On the second try, while I was out buying KFC for dinner LOL. I rode my bike till I arrived in DaYuan Township (大園), and only found myself nearly enter the freeway. Finally, the third time, on accident actually, I was cycling in Taoyuan city and I saw the sign post leading to the airport and seeing the day was still young, I went for it.

The route is not a freeway, so relax. A single trip is approximately 14.6 km. And I completely forgot the way home, I was exhausted so just wanted to hurry back home. The non-freeway route is usually for the airport employees who most of them are using scooters. Based on this assumption, I rode wherever the scooters go. Then I finally got into the road for the terminals.

Terminal 2 of Taoyuan International Airport
BTW I got this feeling that I am not supposed continue to the terminals so I went my way back. Then while waiting for the green light, a police asked me where did I come from and I was told that the place where I captured the previous image is forbidden for two-wheels. Lucky.

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