Saturday 28 June 2014

Flashback: Las Vegas

I forgot to write about Las Vegas and Los Angeles, how clumsy of me. So, went to Las Vegas for the Magic Market Week, according to its website the largest global marketplace for men and women's apparel, footwear, and sourcing resources. At first I didn't want to pay USA for a visit, cause I thought it would be better to spend my last winter holiday working, which my dad didn't agree so much. Yet there I was, gasping at the grandeur city of Las Vegas. 

We spent the first day taking the Las Vegas Monorail, which is very inconvenient. You have to walk a long way underground the hotels and casino to get on the monorail. 
Sh*tty photos I took with my phone. I didn't bring my Canon to blast off these photos. 
Anywhere I went in Las Vegas seemed like taking a tour of a ride in a theme park where there's "It's a Small World" song playing in the background. You can see Paris, New York, Pyramid and Sphinx from Egypt, even Rome, just along the Vegas Strip.
Ticket for the monorail

Inside the stations

The inconvenient monorail
The mini version of Eiffel and Champs-Élysées

Gordon Ramsay!

New York - New York
MGM Lion
Big Bus Las Vegas and Pyramid in Luxor
A night view of New York - New York, even prettier
First Starbucks in US, with my name written on the cup
Guess who?
For any America's Next Top Model fans, you probably know who's this girl. Yes, Allison Harvard from ANTM All Stars and cycle 12. 

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