Saturday 2 August 2014

Two wheels diary: 僑大 林口 NTNU Linkou

It's 8 am. I don't know why I woke up at this so unGODly hour, quoting Mrs. Wolowitz from the Big Bang Theory series. I usually wake up at 10 or 11 am (giggles). Today is Valentine's day in Taiwan, and I have a date with my seniors from NCNU in Xinzhu.

So, while waiting, I'm supposed to depart at 9, and still one hour to go, I decided to write my journey to 僑大, or National Taiwan Normal University in Linkou. That was my first time leaving Taoyuan on my bike! Yay, cheer for me!

The route
Well I didn't plan to go there at first. I wanted to go to 虎頭山 Hutoushan near Guishan 龜山, but at that time, the day was still eary, maybe 5 pm? And I remembered, Linkou is not far right, why don't I get to 僑大 to see my fellow overseas student friends' home for one or two years? Yes, Qiaoda is the place to stay and study Chinese before you enter the universities here. Some exceptions like me, I went straight to university in NCNU, Puli, Nantou county. I kinda regret I didn't study there though. Friends of mine who went to NTNU have friends scattered all over Taiwan, and my friends? Only restricted in Puli or Taizhong. Not until I worked as tutor in 印輔班, a summer program for future overseas students in Taiwan happened to be in NCNU, I met many juniors.

Just a little explanation about NTNU and Indonesian overseas student, way out of topic anyway.

I started my journey at 4 pm (maybe) and rode my way to Guishan Junior High School there, and Taoyuan really has many cycling trails, which is fun.
Beautiful trail

Fun fact: cycling in Taoyuan's cycling trail means that you have to share the trails with other people who are taking leisurely walks, and sometimes they don't realize that behind them there is a girl riding with her bike, wanting to rush. I rung my bell several times until I just yell softly (is that even exist, yell softly? Probably politely is more appropriate), 歹勢歹勢, 借我過, excuse me excuse me, let me pass. Well sometimes they heard it, the other time they don't. I hope I didn't scare them while a bike rushed through near them. 

Forgot what park this is
NTNU Linkou is located on a hill, so there's only one way to reach it, hiking. I... almost... died... I tried to shift the gear to the lightest one (I usually ride the third gear, which is the heaviest), and phew, I was out of breath when I reach 長庚 Hospital. After that it's Linkou already. The sun was setting down when I arrived in NTNU. Not many people was around, and I overheard some students there with Malaysian accented Chinese, and also Indonesian students who are currently participating in the 印輔班. I chatted one of my friend with Line, who is working there as tutor if she's free to come out and see me, but seeing the sky was getting darker and darker, I decided to just leave a message to one of the Indonesian boys there.

NTNU Linkou

The ride home was pleasant: downhill everywhere! I rode so fast it was 40 km/hour I think, and it was so exciting! I could feel the wind rushing on my face while I sing out loud, hoping no one can hear me. I saw several bikers going the opposite way, and I wished them good luck :D

Nearly 50 km. Next time...
Linkou is actually not that far. Just 48 km, but I went home exhausted to the max. 

BTW, that was my first time riding with gloves and bike shorts, with a pad in it. And after the ride and showered, I realize, the pad looks exactly like women's.... pad. But thanks to that, my ride was smooth and painless, unlike the Zhuwei port one, after 35 km or so my butt starting to hurt. The gloves helped too! 

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