Tuesday 3 December 2013

Usual jogging route

I've been jogging for quite some time right now, and to be honest I had some difficulties on getting used to jogging. Personally, as a swimmer, my body feel so feather-light while swimming in the water, so when I started jogging, I felt so heavy to jog, couldn't even run. But I thrived to that phase, and finally I can jog up to 8 km a day on the jogging track, which is flat.

Running on a flat jogging track is utterly boring, and I couldn't feel that sore on my leg anymore. I don't know why I just want to run till my thighs are sore. So I started to find other place to run, and never realized the best place to run for some hills and slopes are so near, even zero distance. Yes, my school.

National Chi Nan University, a quite big school which is located on the mountain. In the winter, it is quite cold, and can be a big challenge for a summer girl like me. But I learnt a few things that you can wear a face mask while running, so that your nose can breath warm air, not the freezing cold air. 

After doodling and analyzing the google map for some time, as shown, this is my usual route while running around the school area. There are 3 big hills in this route: A, B, and C. A is a long but no so steep hill, B is the medium one but steeper than A, and C is the steepest one, but the shortest of them all. My running route differs every time I run, I run wherever I want to run, so the distance can be various. Sometimes I run from dorm, went down the B hill, then up on the excruciating A route, or sometimes the reversed route, with some additional C route, depends on my body condition. But I still have two secret but the most painful routes: the motorbike route and the car route. The hills are so steep, and once I ran for the car route, and I stopped once, cause my lungs were painful and must rest a bit before continuing. I have never challenged the motorbike route, maybe some time later.

I usually run with my phone strapped around my chest and listen to the music. I need that extra up-beat music to keep my mind from stopping, and keep running till I reach my destination and my goal. Yet I can't stand the music stopping and that long pause while I attacking the hill. I can shout loudly (nobody can hear me lah so 沒差), "where's the music?!" hahahahaha.

So running around the school, is like 4 km or so, and I usually complete the route in approx 30 minutes, but if I'm up for a longer route, I usually run for up to 35 minutes. Like yesterday, I ran almost three rounds, I had to stop near the technology department though, cause my legs were wobbly after the A hill. I ran for like 9.2 km yesterday, and phew. I haven't ran till my thighs are sore, but I love this feeling. Hahaha. Just like One Republic's Counting Stars: "Everything that kills me makes me feel alive!"

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