Monday 2 December 2013

Fake henna

The sun is shining bright outside, but I'm stuck here doing my job to complete the catalog in my school's library.. To be honest, I'm a bit melancholy today. Not because bored to death from searching the catalog, but I have loads of things to think about. 

So... As you guys already know, I have limited ways to relax and vacuum-clean my mind. And today, while at work, I realized that I still have my eye-liner. Anyway, I had this crazy idea and started to search for henna (Indian tattoo, which is used in marriage CMIIW), and tadaaaa~ 

A bit messy I know, but I drew my right hand by using my left hand (well of course, which else hahahahahaha!) Such a waste for Maybelline's Hyper Sharp Liner, really....

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