Thursday 4 June 2015

Austria: Salzburg Trip

Who in the world ride around Salzburg on a bike in winter?
Yeah, me.

I arrived in Pension Elizabeth safe and sound and decided to retire for the night. I was completely exhausted, going around Vienna in a day. The pension is clean yet a little too far from Salzburg station. But it was OK lah for me.

Personally, I like it better to go around the city with subway or U-Bahn, not a big fan of buses. There's no subway or tram in Salzburg, so I wore my gloves and hat, and rent a bike from the pension. It was freezing cold and sometimes rain a little bit. But Salzburg is a pretty small city, and the attractions were not so far from each other. Riding for a whole day was kinda tiring though, I wished I had my cycling pants.

I bought the Salzburg card for € 24, and free admission to all of the attractions.


I spend like an hour just in the Salzburgdom. It's a big Baroque Roman Catholic cathedral (YAY!), with amazing frescoes (double YAY!!), and I was just right on time for the Easter mass (triple YAY!!!). 

Hohensalzburg Fortress

Okay, to be honest, I was lost a few times to find the way to the tram for the fortress. But it was not hard to find, I was just too enjoy riding the bike around Salzburg (That's a lie!). When you board the tram, be sure to stand on the first cabin, where you can see Salzburg while slowly ascending to the fortress. 

Mirabell Garden

Augustiner Beer Garden

Just like in Bordeaux, I know I'm a little sensitive to sulfite, if it's a really rare opportunity, I will try it no matter what. So in Augustiner, you have the small and big pitcher, I think the small one is 0.3L and... I just drank half of it, and I felt so puffy in the face. 

So I spent two nights in Salzburg, but I feel like it would be better if I spend those two in Vienna. Just my thoughts.

Random pics from Salzburg

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