Tuesday 19 November 2013

It's fall already...

I'm now sitting in my desk, my eyes wandering into the glorious sunny day outside. Just another typical fall in Taiwan, and wondering when will the true face of winter show up. I'm waiting for you ar! I really can't stand this type of weather. Freaking cold and freezing wind in the morning and night, but bright shining sun in noon. Ugh every year I catch cold from this freaky weather. Damn you. I'm coughing and sneezing already.

Ah.. How I miss my mom's chicken and mushroom soup (香菇雞湯), and 麻油雞湯... How can I translate this into English? Mayou (not mayonnaise lol) is like some kind of rice wine, and the chicken is boiled with it, sometimes adding ginger. Both of these soups are very popular in Taiwan during fall and winter. If you drink this soup, especially for girls, is extremely healthy and warming.

BTW, exciting news, I'll be going to Hongkong next Thursday, to attend my cousin's wedding there. She is a flight attendant in Cathay Pacific, and she will always be my role model. Can't wait to see her in her wedding dress, must be breathtaking. Oh, and also my grandma from Bali and many relatives will be attending, plus, we're gonna celebrate my grandma's birthday also that day.

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