Thursday 11 September 2014

Taiwan-go-round: Day 4 Naruwan, Taitung!

After one tiring day driving from Yilan to Hualian county, we started our journey again, this time to Taitung county, with several places to go on the way
Written in our list, our first destination is 吉安慶修院, a Japanese temple built by Japanese immigrants. Just one step inside, you could feel the stunning thick Japanese atmosphere, just like one when you visit the temples in Japan. Apparently some of the tourists wrecked the atmosphere, as you can see they stepping on the grass, which is prohibited, plus all that noises they made, throwing garbage everywhere. Yuck.

Oh, well, forget those tourists. Enjoy the temple. I love the tiny Japanese garden beside the small gift shop.

It was a hot, sunny afternoon when we zapped from Taiwan to a temple in Japan...
Inside the temple
Beautifully drawn wind chime.
You can buy this wind chime from the gift store, but you have to draw it yourself at home, they don't provide any drawing material. Or you can buy the wishing wood plank and put it up on the wall, exactly what you can do if you visit a temple in Japan. As usual I bought a postcard and sent it home, as an お土産 (Omiyage, souvenir in Japanese).

J's writing his wish
Received it today yay! Hand-drawn eyes
Having a delightful time there, but it was time to get to our next destination: 夢幻湖 or dreamy lake, literally translated to English. As usual, we set our phone's GPS and tried to get there, and we got a little lost. J tried to ask the locals about the lake, and seems like nobody know the place. Later we knew that the lake is just this small lake beside a big B&B. The water is green and sparkling, so beautiful yet so hard to find. Took it with my Samsung Galaxy Note, not bad, ah? :D

I wanted to visit here, Rareseed Farm, where one of the popular milk in Taiwan is produced. Funny story here, we got lost because I set the wrong destination, same name, but different farm. Almost gave up when I saw the big ad on the road, leading to the correct farm.

Rareseed Farm
The café
We head straight into the café, we were starving and thirsty. Seemed like I bought too many: milk ice cream, cheese cake, milk pudding, plus two glasses of fresh milk. The waitress must thought we hadn't had meal for three years. Kidding.

Ice cream and pudding

Their cheese cake tasted thick but sweet.

The smooth surface of the ice cream made me draw on it

Fresh milk


The waterfall of urine